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Title IX Lawyer

May 31

Title IX covers allegations of sexual assault or other forms discrimination that schools take seriously. These cases usually involve the inner workings of campus programs and policies that promote gender inequality.

Students are entitled to an investigation and resolution that is fair. An attorney-advisor experienced in disciplinary matters and litigation can be of assistance.

Defending Against Sexual Assault Charges

In cases of sexual abuse, schools have to conduct thorough and detailed investigations. They must also gather statements from the witnesses and give a fair and impartial hearing to the accused. The findings of the tribunal can have serious consequences for the accused. They can include expulsion or suspension from school, a criminal label (which could affect future job prospects), or even being denied admission to other colleges and graduate programmes.

To determine if consent has been granted is an important part of any Title IX inquiry. Many students are unclear about what constitutes a valid consent, in particular when it comes to sexual acts. Our lawyers can help you understand the law and prepare your defense.

Our attorneys are experienced in navigating Title IX procedures and policies at individual colleges, schools, and universities. We can act a mediator to prevent statements which could undermine your claim from reaching the wrong parties. And we can advocate on your behalf at every stage of Title IX.

Defending Against Harassment Charges

Title IX is a broad prohibition that covers many types of discrimination. While most Title IX violations are related to sexual assault or harassment other forms of discrimination could also be included. If you are a woman, or a person who is part of the LGBTQ group, and your school doesn't offer you the full benefits that you deserve because of bullying or harassing, then your situation could be considered Title IX.

Schools must follow certain procedures in order respond to reports regarding sexual violence or other forms of harassment. Schools have been known for botching investigations, dismissing complaints or issuing meek punishments which allow rapists to remain on campus. A Title IX Lawyer Normal will help you protect your future and your rights.

If you're being investigated by your school, you should seek legal advice immediately. The sooner you contact a Title IX lawyer, the more time we have to prepare for your defense.

Defending Against Misconduct Charges

When a school receives an Title IX complaint they must investigate. The investigator may conduct an informal conversation to get to know you better, as well as gather evidence, including text messages, phone records, and speaking with witnesses. They may then schedule a formal hearing if they believe the complaint has merit.

Title IX must be followed by all schools, colleges, or universities that receive funding from the federal government. This means anyone or any group may file a complaint even years after the alleged event. These allegations can tarnish your reputation and jeopardize your academic future, which is why it is vital to prepare a strong defense.

Tamara Holder defends her students against rape, sexual misconduct, and discrimination based on gender, pregnancy and sexual orientation, in educational programs and activities that receive federal funds. This could include anything from a workshop on forestry at a park in a state to a course on how start a small company to a program for prisoners.

Defending Against Retaliation Charges

Students who are accused of sexual abuse could face severe punishments that could threaten their future career and education plans. Often schools do not properly investigate or handle the case or engage in due process, and students can be unfairly punished. If you've been accused of Title IX violations, you should contact an experienced attorney/advisor right away.

Title IX prohibits gender discrimination in educational establishments that receive federal funds. Teachers are under intense pressure to quickly identify and punish those violating Title IX or they risk losing federal funding.

Retaliation cases can be difficult because the plaintiff needs to show the retaliatory actions were motivated by her protected activities. Thompson makes it clear that the Supreme Court will interpret protected activities broadly. Examples include a forestry workshop sponsored by a state-funded park, a course on how to launch a business by the county parks department, or a federally financed disaster preparedness training for inmates.

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